Portuguese Speaking Interviewers
The Sociology department of the Erasmus University Rotterdam is looking for
Portuguese speaking interviewers to work with us in a large scale international
research project. The project Theorizing the Evolution of European Migration
Systems (THEMIS) is carried out in cooperation with the Universities of Oxford,
Oslo and Lisbon, and deals with migration from Brazil, Morocco, and Ukraine to
The Netherlands, Great-Britain, Portugal and Norway. For more information,
please consult: http://www.imi.ox.ac.uk/research-pro…mis/index_html .
From January through March, we need Portuguese speaking interviewers to
conduct structured interviews with Brazilian immigrants in Amsterdam.
Interview questions mainly concern immigrant s migration histories.
The Brazilian immigrants will come to a central location in Amsterdam that has been
specifically set up for our research purposes. Together with other interviewers,
you will be stationed at this interview location to do the interviews and to enter
the data you gathered in our system. We have two 4 to 6 hour sessions on
weekdays in the afternoon, and one session on Saturday.
Send your CV and short motivation before Wedsnesday the 14th of December to
() or call for more
Are you, or do you know someone who:
Wants to conduct interviews with Brazilian immigrants in Amsterdam?
Masters the Portuguese language sufficiently to conduct the interviews;
Is available at least one day per week;